Sometimes going out to exercise isn’t a viable option, but you want to get active and opt for an at-home workout. That’s great! But before you roll up that yoga mat and relax on the couch, did you know that recovery exercises are important too? In this article, we’re going to show you some easy recovery exercises you can do at home!
What are Recovery Exercises?
We’ve highlighted the importance of post-exercise recovery before, and have mentioned that they have a myriad of benefits that help make you stronger and make your workout more effective.

This article is going to tackle something different but just as important: recovery exercises also sometimes referred to as “active recovery”. These are low-intensity exercises that are done after the main workout and aim to help you recover faster and prevent muscle fatigue.
Why Should You Do Recovery Exercises?

As mentioned earlier, recovery exercises should be done after the main workout because, as the name states, it helps the muscles recover and it isn’t only us saying that! A research paper published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research compiled and reviewed multiple researches about the effects of Active Recovery (AR). While the results varied per research they found that AR interventions lasting 6–10 minutes revealed consistently positive effects on performance.
Easy Recovery Exercises At Home!
Recovery exercises don’t have to be hard and don’t necessarily need expensive gym equipment. Whether you’re trying these exercises for the first time or just want to get the full benefit of your main workout at home these easy at-home recovery exercises are for you!
- Single Leg Stands
This exercise is beginner-friendly and perfect after an intense workout. It is also a great cardio exercise that targets the abs!

- Stand tall with your feet 3 inches apart, making sure that they are parallel to each other.
- Lift one leg around 3-6 inches off the ground, while slightly bending your knee. Balance yourself with your standing leg and avoid swaying.
- Hold this position for 10-15 seconds before dropping your foot to the floor.
- Repeat on the opposite leg.
- Accomplish 5 sets.
- Sphinx Pose
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
An amazing yoga pose that not only stretches but also strengthens multiple parts of your body such as the abs, glutes, and back muscles.

- On a yoga mat, lay on your stomach and place your forearms flat on the floor directly underneath your shoulders.
- Slowly push yourself up with your forearms until you feel a gentle stretch.
- Hold this position for 30-60 seconds
- Standing Biceps Stretches
Standing bicep stretches are a great recovery workout as they help increase your range of motion while working on your chest and shoulders.

- Stand straight with your legs hip-distance apart.
- Clasp your hands behind your back and interlace your fingers.
- Straighten your arms and turn your palms outward.
- Slowly raise your arms until you feel a gentle stretch in your biceps and shoulders.
- Hold this stretch for 30-40 seconds.
IV. Our Thoughts

Recovery exercises are essential for improving the effectiveness of workouts. Easy recovery exercises at home can be done by beginners or those who want to get the full benefit of their main workout without having to shell out money for the gym or expensive equipment. While the general effect of recovery exercises is limited, studies so far agree that doing light workouts after the main workout improves athletic performance.
If you want to know more about recovery, read our article “The Importance of Post-Exercise Recovery” or learn more from our blog here.
GulfPhysio.com and all of its content are for informational purposes only. All information is believed to be accurate at the time of posting and should NOT be construed as professional medical advice. Please seek a medical professional in the event of pain or injury.